“What’s God’s address?” (St. Luke’s: Friday, June 15th, 2018: 1 Kings 19.9-16; Ps. 27; St. Matthew 5.27-32)

Best memory. As you look back on your life, can you recall your moment of greatest triumph? What was your greatest achievement? Do you remember that one time when you felt like you were on top of the world? Maybe it was your wedding-day. Maybe it was the birth of your first child. Maybe it was a promotion at work. Maybe it was when you opened the door and crossed the threshold of your first home. Perhaps your greatest victory is still ahead of you . Whatever your best moment was, we can be grateful for those mountain-top experiences. Greatest triumph. In our first reading, we find the prophet Elijah at the summit of Mt. Horeb. God asks his spokesman a question: “What are you doing here?” At this point in his story, Elijah – though he is (literally) on the mountain-top – is at his lowest point . Elijah is in the throes of his greatest crisis; he is drowning in the depths of despair… and it all started with his moment of greatest triumph . To understand how Elijah came to be ...