“Hope is kindled”: GENESIS CHAPTERS 10 – 12
In today’s passage, the tragic narrative of Genesis 3 – 11 finally turns the corner. With the call of Abram, hope is restored for a future where the Creator’s project for humanity can go forward… RECAPPING… Genesis 3: Out of Eden. The first two humans in the biblical narrative disobeyed God and ate of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil (Gn. 3.1-7). In his (merciful) judgment, God then threw the man and the woman out of the Garden of Eden, thereby removing their access to the Tree of Life and thus preventing them from attaining to immortality in their rebellious state (Gn. 3.22-24). Even in the midst of judgment, the Creator remains committed to his creatures, and does not destroy them for their rebellion, but rather takes a fatherly stance vis-à-vis the primal pair and clothes them in animal skins and directs them toward an – admittedly harsh – future, but a future nonetheless....