“What a friend we have in Jesus” (St. Luke’s: Friday, May 4th, 2018; Acts 15.22-31; Gospel of St. John 15.12-17)

Do you have any friends? I don’t mean Facebook “friends”, or acquaintances, or people you say “Hi!” to at church. I don’t mean people who just happen to be part of the backdrop to your life. I’m talking about people who put you before themselves, who truly know you, who have seen you at your worst – and didn’t cut you off – people who have forgiven you and whom you have forgiven, people you can be honest with, who genuinely want what’s best for you, people who would go out of their way to help you. Do you have any friends? Farewell address. Today’s Gospel is a vignette from St. John’s lengthy account of the Last Supper (chapters 13 – 17). This is a moment of great intimacy as Jesus gathers the 12 apostles to celebrate Israel’s national holiday; this is his chance to tell them what he thinks is most important before going to his death . St. John opens this section of his Gospel with the following words: “Now before the festival ...