The Bible, western culture & the idea of “truth”

No one reads the Bible in a vacuum . Also, the Bible is not self-explanatory. Reading the Bible, like reading any text, involves the reader in the process of interpretation – what does this text mean? Everyone who reads the Bible does so within a certain culture at a particular moment of history, perhaps as a member of a religious community who holds certain official beliefs about Scripture (inspiration, revelation, etc.). All of these factors contribute to how we understand the Bible and how we seek to live in light of what Scripture says. As westerners, or as members of peoples who were colonized by western nations, we are members of a culture/civilization which has been reading the Bible for almost 2,000 years. When we open the Bible, we join a 2,000-year-long conversation – a conversation which has often resembled a heated debate. No text has had a greater influence on western culture than the Bible. The Bib...