Some thoughts on Genesis, chapters 6--9
I. Gn. 6.5—9.17: The Great Flood A. OBSERVATION 1. General observations The Flood narrative begins with God regretting having created humanity, due to its “great wickedness” (Gn. 6.5-6). Things have apparently escalated since the murder of Abel. “But Noah found favor in the sight of the Lord” (6.8). Indeed, Noah’s unique destiny had been portended since his birth (cf. 5.28-29). Noah’s father “prophesizes” that his son will provide humanity “relief [1] from the toil caused by the cursing of the ground” (cf. 3.17-18). Like his great-grandfather Enoch before him, Noah “walked with God” (6.9; cf. 5.22-24). Indeed, Noah is the only “righteous” [2] person among his generation (7.1; cf. 6.9); presumably, this is because, in the preceding verse, he is said to “have done all that God commanded him” [3]...