
Showing posts from June 24, 2018

“A fisherman & a Pharisee” (Solemnity of Saints Peter & Paul, Apostles: Friday, June 29th, 2018: Acts 12.1-11; Ps. 34; 2 Tm. 4.6-18; St. Mt. 16.13-19)

Clay feet.   In 2014, a movie entitled "The F ault in our Stars" was released in theatres. It's the story of 2 American teenagers who meet in a support group for young people battling cancer. Sparks fly as Hazel and Augustus (literally) bump into each other. Becoming fast friends, they exchange and agree to read each other's  favourite books. As Augustus arrives at the end of Hazel's favourite novel, he is  intrigued to the point of  strongly desiring  to meet the author. Hazel undertakes an e-mail  correspondence  with –  so she believes  – the author himself, who is now living in the Netherlands. The illusive novelist agrees to meet the  young lovebirds, and Hazel and Augustus take flight for Amsterdam. To their shock and surprise, once they arrive at the residence of the expatriated author,  Augustus and his girlfriend  discover that Hazel's e-mail correspondent had in fact   been the novelist's secretary , and ...