“Meeting God again…for the first time” (St. Luke’s: Friday, April 20th, 2018; Acts 9.1-20; Ps. 117; St. John 6.52-59)

Breakfast routine. I don’t know what you had for breakfast this morning, but I grew up eating, among other breakfast cereals, Kellogg’s Corn Flakes . In 1990, Kellogg’s ran a TV commercial about their Corn Flakes cereal, with the slogan “Taste them again for the first time”. This commercial was an attempt, on Kellogg’s part, to make this seemingly bland and ordinary cereal seem exciting again. We’ve all experienced this phenomenon in some area of our lives – whether it be our car, our job, our marriage, our vacation, whatever it may be. We’ve all experienced the rush and enthusiasm when something is new … only to discover that as time goes by, the initial excitement wears off, and what had seemed so extraordinary and life-giving now seems rather hum-drum and just plain… ordinary. Zealous Israelite. Something similar happens to Saul of Tarsus in today’s first reading… with one important exception . Saul was anything but bored wi...