“The Gateway to Aslan’s Country” (St. Luke’s: Reflection at a Funeral, Nov. 15th, 2017; Revelation 21.1-5; 1 Co. 15; Jn. 12.20-33)

First of all, I would like to thank -------, ------, ------ and ------ for the honour of asking me to give this reflection today. I arrived in St. Luke’s parish a little over a year ago, and my relationship with ---- consisted of three conversations . There was a common thread running through all of them – each time ---- and I spoke, we would, eventually, get around to speaking about C.S. Lewis . The folks at St. Luke’s know that I have a habit of quoting Lewis, regardless of who I’m speaking with, or what the occasion is – but ---- apparently appreciated Lewis’ writings as well; anyway, she would humour me when I would, once again, make mention of the atheistic-Oxford-scholar who, with the help of his good Catholic friend J.R.R. Tolkien, would have a profound conversion experience and become one of the best defenders of the Christian faith in the 20 th century. Lewis also has the dubious distinction of dying on the same day as John F. Kennedy (Nov. 22, ...