“Let go and Rejoice!” (St. Luke’s: Sunday, December 17th, 2017; Is. 61.1-2, 10-11; Lk. 1.46-50, 53-54; 1 Thess. 5.16-24; Jn. 1.6-8, 19-28)

What are you doing here? Every summer from 2012 – 2016, I worked as a civilian chaplain at cadet summer camps in Valcartier, north of Quebec City. An important place for the officers in charge of the cadets is the Mess Hall , a lounge with comfortable chairs, air conditioning, different games like pool and Ping-Pong, and perhaps most importantly, a bar . Access to this privileged place is jealously guarded. Only officers of the Canadian Forces, as well as civilian cadet instructors who have a contract with the military, are allowed to enter this shrine of relaxation . A few years ago, during the first week of camp, I was sitting in a corner of the Mess Hall, in my civilian clothes , with my laptop open, enjoying the free Wi-Fi access. All of a sudden, a uniformed officer approached me and asked me rather abruptly what I was doing there . Not immediately picking up on the meaning of his question, I replied that I was sending e-mails ....