10-DAY HOLY SPIRIT CHALLENGE: Day 4 “You will never be thirsty again”

Scripture text : Gospel of St. John 4.1-18 Last summer I spent a week hiking in the Alberta Rockies with a friend. We each had a couple of water bottles, which we filled whenever we came across a stream. It was always a relief to hear the sound of running water. Whenever we found a stream, I would plunge my head under the water and then cup water in my hand and rub the back of my neck – so refreshing. There was this one time when the distance between streams seemed farther than usual; I had drunk all my water and I was parched. My throat was dry, the sun was beating down on us, and my lips began to crack as I stumbled forward, feeling the weight of my pack drag my shoulders down. Fortunately, we came across some folks who were driving ATVs. They had water to spare and kindly shared some with me. Every time I got the chance to drink during that hike, I felt like my very life had been renewed, that...