FROM THE ARCHIVES: “Breakfast at Jesus’” (St. Luke’s: Friday, April 21, 2017 [April 6, 2018]; Ac. 4.1-12; Ps. 118; Jn. 21.1-14)

ENCOUNTERING the risen Jesus . Have you ever seen a celebrity? Have you ever been walking down the street and happen to have seen someone whom you had only previously seen on TV? John tells us that this was the third time that the risen Jesus had appeared to the disciples, the other two times having been in the house in Jerusalem where the apostles had been lodging (and hiding). At the beginning of the book of the Acts (1.3), St. Luke tells us that the risen Jesus appeared to the disciples during the 40-day period before his ascension. Think about it – the disciples went about their daily lives for 40 days, never knowing when or where Jesus was going to pop up. It must have been a very mysterious time. Just like the answer to Herod’s question as to Jesus’ whereabouts in Oscar Wilde’s play Salome : “He is in every place my Lord, but it is hard to find him”. The risen Jesus is at much at home in God’s space (“heaven”) as in o...