“The rule of the Son of Adam” (Ascension Sunday, 24 May 20: Doubletree-Hilton Hotel)

Who’s in charge of Canada? There are many possible answers to that question, but one answer is to be found on our 20 $ bill – Elizabeth II, the Queen of Canada. When we enrolled as members of the CAF, we swore allegiance to Elizabeth and her successors. Printing the image of the monarch on currency is an ancient practice – coins were the first mass media. How do you know who’s in charge of a given empire – just show me the money! In Genesis 1, human beings are created in the image of God, the Creator. According to Genesis, we are the Creator’s currency – we are the evidence of who created and who governs the world, as well as how God rules his creation. Today’s Psalm proclaims that God is the great King over all the earth. This reality is described elsewhere in the Bible as the “kingdom of God”, i.e. the Creator’s rule over all he has created. In Genesis, God delegates his royal authority ...