Journeying from the Ascension to Pentecost (13 – 23 May 2021)

INTRODUCTION: WHAT’S THIS ALL ABOUT? As St. Luke (an early Christian and author of 2 New Testament books: Luke’s Gospel & Acts of the Apostles) tells the story, this was precisely the reaction of those who were on hand that day in Jerusalem when the first followers of Jesus “received the Holy Spirit”: “All were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, “What does this mean?” ( Acts of the Apostles 2.12) Jesus lives? You may have experienced similar perplexity after having spoken to Christians. You might have noticed that they have a way of talking about Jesus as if he was still alive . They talk about Jesus in the present tense, as if they spoke to him on a regular basis, as if he was a part of their daily lives. That might have struck you as a bit weird. I mean, everyone who has been to the movies in the western world knows that Jesus’ life ended with him being nailed to a Roman cross. Strangely e...