Some thoughts on Genesis chapter 1
I. Gn. 1.1—2.3: The (first) creation account A. OBSERVATION 1. General observations There isn’t exactly “nothing” in the beginning. Darkness covers the watery abyss which surrounds (?) the earth, i.e. “a formless void” (1.2). [1] A “wind from God” swept over the face of the waters (1.2; cf. 8.1 [2] ). Then, God begins to speak and thus to form an ordered cosmos out of the primordial chaos. The expression “there was evening and there was morning” which is used to “wrap up” the account of each day of creation is intriguing. God’s delight in his work of creation is evidenced by the repeated use of the word “good”. [3] This pericope is obviously, amongst other things, a justification of Sabbath observance (2.3; cf. Ex. 20.8-11). 2. ...