The Easter enigma (10 days and counting…)

Last time, we discussed the fact that the Gospel stories of Easter must be considered in light of the fact that the followers of Jesus continued to speak of him as Israel’s Messiah even after his death. The New Testament Gospels are Messiah stories and yet they are a new variant on the genre of Messiah story. That is to say, the Gospel stories are something very different from what was expected about the Messiah – both in terms of what the Messiah would do (and how) as well as what the results of the Messiah's action would be. No one expected the Messiah to die. As I said last time, a dead Messiah was a non-Messiah, a failed Messiah. Then again, speaking of Jesus as Israel's Messiah means that the Gospel writers see Jesus as playing a key role in Israel’s story. The evangelists link the story of Jesus with the ancient (hi)story of Israel as recounted in the Jewish scriptures – what Christians call the Old Testament (of the Bible). If we wish to understand how the Gosp...