GEMS FROM JEREMIAH (52) Divine Justice, part II

“The word that the Lord spoke concerning Babylon…by the prophet Jeremiah …out of the north a nation has come up against her; it shall make her land a desolation, and no one shall live in it; both humans and animals shall flee away. In those days and in that time, says the Lord , the people of Israel shall come, they and the people of Judah together; they shall come weeping as they seek the Lord their God. They shall ask the way to Zion, with faces turned toward it, and they shall come and join themselves to the Lord by an everlasting covenant that will never be forgotten.” (Jer. 50.1-5) We have seen how Yahweh’s justice was based on his covenant with his people and had two sides – it could take the form both of judgment of Israel if she was unfaithful to the covenant as well as judgment of Israel’s enemies (=Israel’s salvation) once these enemies had “served their purpose” of being the agent of Yahweh...