Genesis 28 – 30: “Two weddings & a fraudulent father-in-law”

The story of ABRAHAM’S family o 1 st generation : Abraham fathers Ishmael & Isaac; ISAAC “inherits the blessing” which Abram had received in chapters 12, 15 & 17. o 2 nd generation : Isaac fathers Esau & Jacob; JACOB inherits the blessing, through no small amount of trickery/subterfuge (cf. Gn. 28.10, 13-14). o 3 rd generation : Jacob will father 12 sons through his 2 wives (Leah & Rachel = sisters) and his 2 concubines/maidservants; Joseph (son # 11) is his father’s favourite and becomes the focus of chapters 37 – 50 of the book of Genesis. Genesis 27.41 – 28.22: Jacob’s exile – punishment or providence? Jacob “the trickster” has cheated Esau out of both his birthright and the patriarchal blessing. First, he took advantage of Esau’s hunger in order to have his older twin foreswear the birthright (cf. Gn. 25.29-34); and then, at the prompting of his mother Rebekah , Jaco...