GEMS FROM JEREMIAH (6) “How to make your suffering a success”

Texts: Jeremiah 1.4-19; 16.1-13; 20.7-18 St. Paul once famously said to his protégé Timothy: “Share in suffering like a good soldier of Christ Jesus” (2 Tm. 2.3, NRSV). Indeed, St. Paul was no stranger to suffering (cf. 2 Corinthians) and neither was Jeremiah, or any of the genuine prophets. From the get-go, God is up front with Jeremiah and tells him flat out that he will be opposed by the kings and princes, priests and local leaders of Jerusalem but that he is not to be intimidated: “Do not break down before them, or I will break you before them” (Jer. 1.17, NRSV). Jeremiah finds himself between a rock and a hard place – between a hostile people and an implacable God. God did indeed keep Jeremiah alive during the 40 years that he spent warning the people of the disaster that was sure to come; though, at times, Jeremiah would have preferred death to continued pleading with those who hated him (cf. Jer. 20.14-18). ...