Mark's Gospel as Sequel: Understanding the Backstory, part V: Jeremiah

To fully understand Mark’s “sequel” to the Scriptures of Israel, we need to look at 7 previous “episodes”, 7 OT characters who shed light on what Mark is saying about John the Baptist and Jesus in chapter 1. The fifth character from the “original story” is Jeremiah . As we saw last time, Jesus’ message concerned the “kingdom of God” (Mk. 1.15). In the Psalms, Yahweh is described as King of the world (Pss. 47, 93-99, etc.). Yahweh, the King of the world, ruled the nations through his “son” enthroned in Zion (Ps. 2.6). The dream of the Hebrew Scriptures is for Yahweh to establish his reign (kingdom) over the whole world, through his son/viceroy, the King of Israel – one world, one God. The realization of this dream was guaranteed by the Davidic covenant recorded in 2 Sam. 7 – Yahweh’s promise that there would always be a descendant of David on the throne of Jerusalem. However, at the time...