THE BIBLE AS “STORY” # 2 “In the beginning…”

· What is at stake in our understanding of Genesis chapter 1? o The “inspiration” of Scripture? § The trustworthiness/accuracy of the Bible? o 2 equal and opposite errors to avoid in interpreting Gn. 1 ( we “know” what happened ) § We “know” that Gn. 1 tells us exactly how the universe came into existence and that modern scientific theories are nonsense. · (This error assumes extra-biblical categories of thought; we assume that the Bible gives us the kind of information that modernity tells us we need to have in order to be confident that what we are affirming is true) § We “know” that modern cosmology tells us exactly how the universe came into existence and that the Genesis story is nonsense. · (modern cosmological theories and Gn. 1 are both stories; scientists must assume the physic...