A MODERN PROPHET2, sharing God's burden VII

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, (in a paper entitled) “After Ten Years” in the Third Reich and a few months before his arrest by the Gestapo, said that in the face of radical evil, reason is useless (along with principles, conscience, freedom and virtue). What matters at such a time is obedient and responsible action in exclusive allegiance to God. The responsible man seeks to make his whole life a response to the question and call of God. [1] One may well wonder how it came to be that a culturally-rich country like Germany allowed itself to be seduced by a man such as Adolph Hitler. In one sense, the answer is simple – Hitler was a man of action . He demonstrated that a man willing to act in the world could outflank the intelligentsia of the crown of continental culture, enamored as they were with their ideas . As those idealists who attempted to appease him in the ramp-up to WWII would discover, Hitler was n...