What’s the big deal about Jesus? (Mt. 17.1-9)

What’s the big deal about Jesus? (Mt. 17.1-9) 1 – A man of Mystery What’s the big deal about Jesus? Over 2 billion people around the world claim to “follow Jesus”. But many other people don’t get what all the fuss is about; in fact, many children in the West are growing up without any idea of who Jesus was. The story is told about a Christmas play in a primary school in England. At the end of the play, a young boy raised his hand – he had a question. As he was acknowledged, he asked, “Why did they give the baby a swear-word for a name?”… Whatever people think about Jesus today, it’s clear that he made a huge impression on those who followed him around the villages of Palestine 2,000 years ago. The Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John – were written by people who had either known Jesus personally or who knew people who had been close to Jesus. The stories that we find in the Gospels – like today’s rea...