St. Paul's "final" journey...

ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 27 - 28 Rome or bust . Ever since Acts chapter 19, when Luke told us that Paul “had to” see Rome, we have known where all this travelling was going to end (cf. 19.21). Thanks to his appeal to the Emperor, Paul is finally bound for the imperial capital. Over against the pretensions of the emperors (inscribed on Roman currency) who proclaimed themselves the “saviours” and “lords” of the world, Paul has been traveling the eastern end of the empire proclaiming “another king” by the name of Jesus (cf. Ac. 17.7). Paul “had” to get to Rome, and circumstances “conspire” to get him there… 1. Paul goes to Jerusalem to celebrate Pentecost (Ac. 20.16). 2. Paul’s rescue from the mob/arrest by the Tribune Lysias (Ac. 21.31-36; 24.7). 3. Lysias sends Paul to Felix the Governor at Caesarea to protect him from the Sanhedrin’s plan to assassinate him in Jer...