10-DAY HOLY SPIRIT CHALLENGE: Day 2 “Put out into deep water”


Scripture text: St. Luke’s Gospel 5.1-11

     You’ve most probably heard about Jesus – whenever you find yourself in church, or maybe on TV or websites.  Perhaps you think that Jesus is a good thing, either for people who have time for prayer and religious stuff (like retired folk) or for kids.  Adult life is busy – perhaps you’ve got a career, a family and many different responsibilities (and hobbies).  You’ve got a life!  Whether or not it’s going great, it may be hard to see what anything in your life has to do with Jesus.  Surely, you may think, Jesus is fine for people who have nothing else to do, for kids who need to learn how to behave and, of course, for priests who are full-time “Jesus-people”. 

     Today’s Scripture passage is about a man named Simon (a.k.a. “Peter”), a fisherman from a village in northern Palestine called Capernaum, located by the Lake of Galilee.  Jesus inserted himself – unbidden – into Simon’s life.  Of course, Simon could have chased Jesus off his boat, but despite his shock and anger at the intrusion, he noticed that particular something about Jesus.  It’s not that easy to get rid of him once he steps into your boat.  Jesus doesn’t always take people away from their jobs, but when he does, it’s always in order to give them something better – better for them and better for the world.  Perhaps Jesus is calling you to follow him into your workplace.  Wherever Jesus may lead you, know for certain that he is indeed calling you to follow him.  This idea may strike you as a bit crazy.  Imagine how Simon felt that day.  The fisherman who probably never planned to leave his Galilean village ended up, many years later, in Rome, the imperial capital some 4,000 km. away.  To paraphrase Tolkien: “It's a dangerous business, following Jesus. You step onto the road, and if you allow your steps to be guided by the Spirit, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”  Jesus told Simon to “put out into deep water.”  Jesus called Simon to an adventure, to a journey of faith, to do seemingly foolish things trusting that God had a plan which would not only produce surprising results but would also transform Simon forever.  Will you embark on the adventure of following Jesus, and being swept along by his Holy Spirit?

Question: what is holding you back from committing to follow Jesus?  What do you have to lose?  You may feel like you have a lot to lose.  Know that you have much more to gain; there are better things ahead than any you leave behind.

“Peter [said], “Look, we have left everything and followed you.” Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields, for my sake and for the sake of the good news, who will not receive a hundredfold now in this age…and in the age to come eternal life.” (Mk. 10.28-30)

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I have a lot of questions.  I don’t understand why you chose me, or what I have to offer that you might find useful.  I don’t know what to do or how to respond to your call.  Please give me the courage to say yes to you and to trust that you will show me what to do as I wait and pray.  Thank you for the promise of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.


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