GEMS FROM JEREMIAH (19) When life punches you in the Mouth: The mindset of a prophet, part III


“Unlucky mother – that you had me as a son, given the unhappy job of indicting the whole country!  I’ve never hurt or harmed a soul, and yet everyone is out to get me.  But, God knows, I’ve done everything I could to help them, prayed for them and against their enemies.  I’ve always been on their side, trying to stave off disaster.  God knows how I’ve tried!” (Jer. 15.10-11, The Message)

     Ever feel that your life has become Groundhog Day?  During the first 20 chapters of Jeremiah, chapter 1 keeps on playing itself out, again and again.  Jeremiah keeps on complaining about his life and about what God created him to be and to do.  When God called Jeremiah, he told him that he had set Jeremiah apart before he was born (Jer. 1.4-5).  Now, not for the last time, Jeremiah regrets having been born!  He starts whining to God – I’ve had good intentions, I’ve sincerely cared about people, I’ve given it my best shot, and what did I get for all my efforts?  Everyone is out to get me.  I showed them love, and now I find myself on the mat.

     “Just look at the abuse I’m taking! … why this chronic pain, this ever-worsening wound and no healing in sight?” (Jer. 15.15, 18).  Jeremiah is down, he’s bleeding, he’s dizzy, he can’t see clearly (“You’re nothing, God, but a mirage”: 15.18) – all he wants to do is stay down and let the count run out.  So what does God say?

     “Get up!”  “Take back those words, and I’ll take you back…don’t stoop to cheap whining…Let your words change them.  Don’t change your words to suit them” (15.19).  God makes it painfully clear to Jeremiah that there is no room for compromise, for half-measures.  This fight is going to go 12 rounds.  “I’ll turn you into a thick steel wall, impregnable.  They’ll attack you but won’t put a dent in you because I’m at your side…” (15.20).  Get up Jeremiah – “take the fight” to those who hate you; continue to proclaim the message just as I told you to do.  Don’t fear the pain; embrace it!  You’ll never be alone – I’ll be with you to the last second of the last round.  Just – keep – fighting.


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