10-DAY HOLY SPIRIT CHALLENGE: Day 10 (Eve of Pentecost: May 22, 2021): “You will receive power”


Scripture text: Acts of the Apostles 1.8; 2.1-11

     How did Christianity begin?  Think about it – on Good Friday, the Jesus movement consisted of around 120 people whose leaders, the apostles, decided to hide in a locked room because they were afraid that what had just happened to Jesus would also happen to them (Jn. 20.19).  Even the sightings of the resurrected Jesus on Easter and the following 40 days seemed to have left the disciples with more questions than answers (cf. Ac. 1.6-8).  So how do we explain the fact that less than 2 months after Good Friday, the followers of Jesus were boldly proclaiming throughout Jerusalem and beyond that Jesus was alive, that he was Israel’s true King (Messiah) and the true Lord of the entire world?  How do we account for the fact that they continued to do so despite being imprisoned and threatened with death for doing so?  What had happened?  If we were to go back in time and interview the apostles, they would tell us, “We received the Holy Spirit, and that has made all the difference”.

     Right before his Ascension to “the right hand of the Father”, the risen Jesus tells the apostles:

“you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Ac. 1.8)

The Holy Spirit would embolden the apostles and fill them with the power required to go throughout the Roman Empire and beyond to tell everyone what they had seen – Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.  Within a 50-day period, the apostles went from being a scared huddle of men hiding in a locked room (Jn. 20.19) to an excited group of zealous missionaries, willing to face trial, imprisonment and worse for the sake of Jesus and his message.

     The mission of the Church – our mission – is far from over.  The same power of the Holy Spirit that enabled the first Christian women and men to accomplish their mission is available to us today.  Receive the power of the Spirit to boldly and lovingly share what Jesus has done for you.

Your Mighty Power within Us Prayer

Holy Spirit, we give all glory to You, for through Your mighty power at work within us, You are able to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Help us not to grieve You, dear Spirit, but to submit to You and allow Your power to have full sway in us. We thank You for Your gracious presence dwelling within us. Glory to You in the Church and in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Embolden Us to Share Your Gospel Prayer

Holy Trinity, we thank You for the riches we have inherited as God’s children. We thank You that by Your grace and mighty power, we have been given the privilege of serving You and spreading the good news of the endless treasures of knowing You. We ask for the power of Your Holy Spirit to overcome us and make us worthy vessels for Your service. Through Your power, embolden us and guide our words as we share Your gospel with the world. Amen.


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