
Showing posts from January 10, 2021

N.T. Wright's attack on Protestant Dogmatics

b.       Wright’s opus : Christian Origins and the Question of God                                   i.             A neo-Calvinist “kingdom-project”      Though he draws much flak from (mostly American) conservative Reformed evangelical quarters, Wright situates himself, for those with eyes to see, firmly within the neo-Calvinist (kuyperian) tradition.   The New Testament and the People of God , the first volume of COQG , begins with Wright’s presentation of his methodology for his ambitious project of offering a complete historical-literary-theological analysis of Jesus, Paul and the Gospels as well as the hermeneutical ramifications of all this for today’s (and tomorrow’s) [8] “church”. [9]   As Wright describes the “tools” with which he will undertake the formidable “task” [10] before him, the buzzwords of neo-Calvinism jump off the pages.   Wright begins by inviting the reader to conceive of the New Testament as part of the Bible’s “script”, containing a 5-act drama . [1